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ATA call for research grant proposals

25 January '16

ATA is pleased to announce the availability of funds for research projects in the area of thyroid function and disease.

The American Thyroid Association (ATA) is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support new investigator initiated research projects in the area of thyroid function and disease. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Thyroid Autoimmunity, Iodine Uptake and Metabolism, Thyroid Cancer, Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Clinical Disorders of Thyroid Function, Thyroid Hormone Action and Metabolism, Thyroid Imaging, Thyroid Nodules and Goiter, Thyroid and Pregnancy, Thyroid Development and the Brain. Research awards are intended to assist new investigators, US or international, in obtaining preliminary data for submission of a more substantial application (e.g. to the National Institute of Health (NIH)). Research grants, up to $25,000 annually, will be awarded for up to two year terms. The 2nd year funding is contingent on review of a satisfactory progress report submitted by the funded investigators in the 4th quarter of the first year of funding.

Guidelines for All Research Grant Proposals

As mentioned above, research awards are targeted for funding of new investigators to obtain preliminary data for submission of a more substantial application (e.g., to the NIH). Interested investigators should submit a brief description of the proposed research by Monday, February 1, 2016.

Eligibility of Applicant and Use of Funds Guidelines

  1. Individuals must be new investigators that are less than 6 years from completion of their post-doctoral fellowship and have never been a Principal Investigator (PI) on an NIH RO1 or equivalent grant (recipients of NIH R29, R21 and KO8 awards are eligible). Those who have a fellowship end date prior to 2010 are not eligible.
  2. Faculty members (MD and PhD) are eligible; however, those investigators who have reached the rank of associate professor or higher are not eligible.
  3. Postdoctoral fellows are eligible if their department provides written confirmation that at the time of the award the applicant will have a junior faculty position.
  4. Students working towards an MD or a PhD are not eligible.
  5. Investigators who have received ATA, ThyCa or THANC awards are not eligible.
  6. Applications are limited to one per individual researcher.
  7. The funds can be used for direct costs associated with the proposal, including technician’s salary, supplies or equipment but not for PI’s salary.
  8. Must be ATA member or apply for complimentary membership (new members only through 12/31/2016). Select “Research Grant Applicant” when asked “How did you hear about the ATA”.

Proposal Requirements

  1. Demographic information: Name /affiliation of applicant, complete work/home contact information – submitted into online system (do not include in grant proposal).
  2. Grant Proposal (A short proposal no longer than 900 words (including selected references) and no more than three double-spaced pages in 12 point type with 1” margins. These space requirements are absolute; therefore; nonconformance will preclude review. Do not include letterhead, name, address, institution, etc. Include:

     Title of proposed study

     Background to the project

     Hypothesis and/or outline of proposed studies

     Outline of methodology

     Anticipated results and implications

     A short statement of how the grant will aid the applicant

     Selected References (e.g. Uchino S, et al. World J Surg 2002;26:897-902)

  3. CV (NIH-style CV – up to 4 pages) - including evidence that the applicant is a new investigator with date of completion of postdoctoral training and current grant support (if any). In the case of postdoctoral fellows, written confirmation that the applicant will have a junior faculty position at the time of the award, must be provided from the department chair. Note: Without a suitable CV, applications will not be considered.
  4. Cover letter

Grant Review

The ATA Research Committee will rank proposals according to their scientific merit. Authors of selected proposals will be notified by April 2016 and invited to submit a full grant proposal to be submitted in May 2016. Grant recipients will be notified by June 2016.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact Sharleene Cano.

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