Info Day
27 January 2016
he Information Day on the 1st OPEN RTD CALL of the ‘CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research’ under Horizon 2020 took place on 27 January 2016 in Munich. The event was attended by more than 120 participants from 20 EU Member States, Moldavia and Norway.
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) as the project co-ordinator has organised the Info Day on the 2016 call for proposals of the 1st OPEN RTD CALL of the CONCERT that targeted potential applicants to the call for project proposals. The objective was to bring together research stakeholders from EU Member States and Associated Countries and provide information and ground for discussion and networking.
The morning presentations covered an overview of the European Joint Programme (EJP) CONCERT, the funding opportunities available under the CONCERT 2016 calls for proposals and the process of priorities definition were provided. It targeted potential applicants for the CONCERT call that aims to support transnational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of radiation protection, to actively integrate education and training activities and collaboration with universities in multidisciplinary research projects, and to make optimal use of research infrastructures. Proposals should address one of the following topic areas:
- improvement of health risk assessment associated with low dose or dose rate radiation (TOPIC1)
- reducing uncertainties in human and ecosystem radiological risk assessment, and management in nuclear emergencies and existing exposure situations, including naturally occurring radioactive materials (TOPIC2).
Additionally a representative of the NUCL-EU shortly presented their project objectives:
- to ensuring EURATOM NCP services on Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection in Horizon 2020 programme to applicants (for more info see flyer)
In the afternoon partnering event, parallel sessions were organised per call TOPIC to provide participants a forum to present their competencies and research interests shortly.