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Institutul de Fizică Atomică, Romania



IFA is a public institution subordinated to the Romanian Ministry of National Education. Founded in 1956, IFA coordinated since the beginning the development of physics research in Romania, in particular of the Măgurele-Bucharest Platform and of all major research infrastructures there. Starting 1996, when from IFA spun off the main national R&D institutes of today (five of which located at Măgurele), the main activity of the institute is the management of R&D programmes in the field of atomic and subatomic physics. IFA is the funding agency for the Romanian participation in EURATOM (NFRP and Fusion), F4E, CERN, FAIR, ELI-NP (in construction at Măgurele) and the partnership with CEA, coordinating the national Programmes dedicated to these international collaborations. For a proper participation of Romania in the EURATOM EJP-type actions, the Ministry of National Education created the EURATOM-RO Joint Research Unit comprised of IFA, as coordinator and Programme Manager, and the main research institutions in the field, as members and Linked Third Parties in the projects. IFA activities include also evaluation of the scientific output and research potential in the domain, prospective and strategic studies, scientific knowledge management and outreach activities.

Role in the project

IFA coordinates the Romanian participation in the project and, together with its Linked Third Parties, and contributes mainly to the WPs 2, 3 5 and 7.

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