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Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative


President: Jacques Repussard,

Contact: melodi [dot] secretariat [at] sckcen [dot] be

The MELODI Association, founded in 2010 as an incorporated Association under the relevant French law, aims to bring together the main organizations responsible in Europe for radiation protection research, particularly for programming and implementing low-dose risk related research activities. The purpose of MELODI is to coordinate, promote and implement European research on the risks associated with low dose exposure to ionizing radiation. Currently, MELODI has 30 member organizations, coming from 16 EU Member States.

MELODI acts as a platform to promote research in the field of low dose exposures to reduce uncertainties in the knowledge base for radiation protection, in accordance with relevant European Union policies. In this context, it contributes to the definition of priority objectives in low-dose risk research, the identification of research Programmes and resources to be implemented in order to achieve these objectives, the assessment of results obtained, and the promotion of communication on these issues between the various parties involved. The MELODI Association organizes scientific and stakeholder workshops, promotes the visibility of the low-dose risk research area, and nominates ad hoc working groups on specific topics.

A major activity of MELODI is the establishment and updating of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in low-dose risk research. The overall aim of the MELODI SRA is to focus research to provide the information needed for the consolidation of the scientific evidence in the area of low-dose radiation exposure to contribute to the definition of the EU radiation protection policies. This requires a forward thinking agenda to help frame the structure of a well-coordinated research Programme, and to establish the operational procedures for the development of MELODI to ensure a long-term commitment (>20 y) to low-dose risk research in Europe. The SRA is updated on a regular basis, via an open dialogue with the scientific community and various stakeholders. MELODI has three working groups focusing on the three topics SRA updating, access to research infrastructure and on education and training, respectively. A scientific board to advice MELODI on research matters has been installed. The MELODI Association is open to all organizations in Europe entrusted with missions in the field of low-dose radiation risk research, which are willing and capable to contribute to the goals of MELODI. A General Assembly is held once a year, together with an open MELODI workshop. Six international workshops were organized so far: in 2009 (Stuttgart, Germany), 2010 (Paris, France), 2011 (Rome, Italy), 2012 (Helsinki, Finland), 2013 (Brussels, Belgium), 2014 (Barcelona, Spain) and 2015 (Munich, Germany).

Role in the project

Within the CONCERT consortium, the MELODI Association is responsible for Task 2.1 that will develop a SRA, roadmap and priorities for research on low-dose risk. MELODI Chair is a member of the CONCERT management Board and of its Executive Board. MELODI also participates, via its members, in in several tasks and integration actions that will be implemented by CONCERT.

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