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TC - 2017

The European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research (acronym: CONCERT) aims to contribute to the sustainable integration of European and national research programmes in the field of radiation protection.

CONCERT is launching his second transnational Call for Proposals to support innovative research projects in radioprotection. The aims of the call are:

  • To support transnational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of radiation protection in line with the research priorities of CONCERT;
  • To actively integrate E&T activities and collaboration with universities in multidisciplinary research projects;
  • To make optimal use of research infrastructures.

Promoting international multidisciplinary research

Project proposals will address multidisciplinary and transnational research. This call will address 2 main topics (each one having three sub-topics). The project proposals must fall within one of the call topics. They may answer one or more sub-topics within one of the topics when appropriate:

    1. Improvement of health risk assessment associated with low dose/dose rate radiation.
    2. Improvement of occupational dosimetry.
    3. Patient-tailored diagnosis and treatment: full exploitation and improvement of technology and techniques with clinical and dose structured reporting.
    1. Biomarkers of exposure and effects in living organisms, as operational outcomes of a mechanistic understanding of intra- and inter-species variation of radiosensitivity under chronic low dose exposure situations.
    2. Countermeasure strategies preparedness for emergency and recovery situations.
    3. Models, tools and rationales for stakeholder engagement and informed decision-making in radiation protection research, policy and practice for situations involving exposures to ionising radiations.

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the potential impact on radiation protection in Europe as well as the added value of transnational collaboration.

Additionally, each proposal should consider, where appropriate, the following aspects:

  • Education and Training
  • Quality assurance, Open Access and Infrastructures.

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each proposal must involve at least three legal entitiesEach of the three must be established in a different EU Member State or Euratom Programme associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other. There should be at least one external entity (non-CONCERT beneficiary or LTP) to the current CONCERT consortium, participating in a proposal.

Funded projects have to be finished not later than 29 February 2020.

Whilst proposals will be submitted jointly by research groups from several countries/regions, requirements for funding differ between successful CONCERT Beneficiaries and their Linked Third Parties on one hand and Third Parties receiving financial support on the other hand. Specifically, Third Parties will be funded in this transnational call, if they also secured financial support (co-fund) from CONCERT Beneficiaries or Linked Third Parties. Participants that do not belong to any of the organisations listed as CONCERT Beneficiary or one of their Linked Third Party are strongly advised to contact their respective national organisation participating in CONCERT (CONCERT Beneficiary organisations or their Linked Third Parties) before starting the preparation of their proposal, to explore funding solutions. It is recommended that each proposal states at submission how the funding of Third Parties is planned.

General information

The call text, proposal template, the guidelines for applicants and the list of the national contact points are available on this site.

Research project consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal should register as soon as possible, by clicking on “sign up” and by following the further instructions. Electronic proposal submission is mandatory on:

Contact person for the Joint Call Secretariat:

Dr. Monika Frenzel

EJPConcertCalls [at] agencerecherche [dot] fr (EJPConcertCalls[at]agencerecherche[dot]fr)

Submission deadline

Electronic proposal submission deadline: 02 May 2017 17:00 CET (Brussels local time).

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