CONCERT sponsors short courses
CONCERT sponsors short courses on research into radiation risks and radiation protection.
CONCERT is a Euratom-funded European Joint Programme set up to promote and integrate European research into the risks and protection from exposure to ionising radiation. CONCERT is promoting education and training in support of the research programme and making more widely available training opportunities in order to help attract top-level students into the field.
The courses to be held in 2016 are:
- 18-29 April
InterRad - Interdisciplinary Radiation Research
BfS, Neuherberg, Germany
Contact: Maria Gomolka- 11-22 April
Cellular effects of low doses and low dose rates with focus on molecular radiation carcinogenesis
Stockholm University, Sweden
Contact: andrzej [dot] wojcik [at] su [dot] se (Andrzej Wojcik)- 25 - 29 April
Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies
SCK CEN, Mol, Belgium
Contact: cturcanu [at] sckcen [dot] be (Catrinel Turcanu)- 27 April – 12 May
Radiation-induced effects with particular emphasis on genetics, developmental biology, teratology, cognition as well as space-related health issues.
SCK CEN, Mol, Belgium
Contact: Sarah Baatout- 23 May – 3 June
Modelling radiation effects from initial events: Learning modelling approaches and techniques in radiation biophysics and radiobiology research, from basic mechanisms to applications
University of Pavia, Italy
Contact: Andrea [dot] Ottolenghi [at] unipv [dot] it (Andrea Ottolenghi)- 6-10 June
Emergency and recovery preparedness, and response
NCRRP, Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact: n [dot] chobanova [at] ncrrp [dot] org (Nina Chobanova)- 20 June – 1 July
Molecular Mechanisms of Radiation Carcinogenesis
HMGU, Neuherberg, Germany
Contact: Rosemann [at] Helmholtz-muenchen [dot] de (Michael Rosemann)- 4 – 8 July
Uncertainty analysis for low dose research
Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain
Contact: Elisabeth Cardis
Course fee
There will be no course fee. There will also be some limited support for accommodation costs at most of the participating institutions. CONCERT courses will be open to any postgraduate student or researcher interested in a research career in the scientific disciplines related to radiation protection. Students outside EU can be accepted if there is space. The admission will be decided case by case.
Further enquiries? Please contact Andrea Ottolenghi or Vere Smyth.